
奨学金の過大請求は1200万円 不当回収分は月内返金
在留資格、優遇大学を拡大 外国人材の地方分散促す
留学生の就職、業種拡大へ 大卒対象、高い日本語力条件
博士求ム! 企業の採用活発:朝日新聞デジタル
The Women Who Contributed to Science but Were Buried in Footnotes
The twitter warrior
By Meredith Wadman
Science15 Feb 2019 : 682-685 
Bigger Is Not Always Better for Team Science
Embrace teams large and small to foster the health of research
Large teams develop and small teams disrupt science and technology
Listen: Small research teams are better than big ones at disrupting science
What 50 principal investigators taught me about my failure to land tenure
Principal investigators are people, too
One couple, two cities: How to handle an international career move
Waiting for reimbursement
Reimbursement policies make academia less inclusive
After a baby, 28% of new parents leave full-time STEM work
How scientists are fighting against gender bias in conference speaker lineups
Huge variations in US postdoc salaries point to undervalued workforce




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