理数分野のジェンダーギャップ 民間発で解消の取り組み進む
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「任期1年」の非正規地方公務員が約66万人…教員・講師も3万人以上で平均時給は1700円以下の実態(2025年1月14日掲載)|日テレNEWS NNN
就活早期化で戸惑う学生 ミスマッチは社会の損失に:日本経済新聞
理系女子増えないワケ 女子は理系にむかないとの思い込みは教員にも(日テレNEWS NNN) - goo ニュース
How science recruiters and job applicants can get on the same page
Do you need extra training before graduate school? Consider a post-baccalaureate position
NIH postdocs, graduate students win union contract
PhD parents: the pros and cons of having a child during your doctorate
Harsh criticism and unreasonable expectations worsen PhD students’ mental health
Mind matters: investigating academia’s ‘mental health crisis’
Who’s quitting academia? Data reveal gender gaps in surprising fields
Graduate-student stipends in Canada below the poverty line
I thought being strong meant hiding my struggles-but I learned a better way | Science | AAAS
The astonishing scientists who starved to protect plants during the Second World War