
やっぱり悩み深き『研究者の子育て』 - 高山善光
産学つなげる「第3の職種」 存在高めるURA
理系女子大学生が選んだ就職したい企業ランキングTOP20 「資生堂」「味の素」を抑えて1位になったのは?
「科学は男性」 先入観が女性進学の壁? 東大など調査
ジョブ型雇用、人事担当者の認知率5割 民間調査
「内定ない学生増える」7割 学長アンケート(下)
I’ve been there. Fighting stereotypes in the world of science.
Accounting for sex and gender makes for better science
Top tips for cell biologists eyeing a move to industry careers
A recruiter’s guide to cell-biology jobs
To get the most out of your workday, consider your ‘inner clock’
How I learned to celebrate my identity as a first-generation, international student
Dare to be different
Five steps for networking during a pandemic
Lockdown taught me the value of reading the manual
How I started a journal for postdoctoral researchers
Kindness alone won’t improve the research culture




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